The Smartest Security system on our planet
Smarter home security at your fingertips
Having a Home security system provides keeping your home safe from intruders, qualifies for up to 15% savings on your homeowner’s insurance policy, and instantly creates “peace of mind” Priceless!
Get Smart, Monitored smoke detectors saves lives. Most fire either happen when the homeowner’s are sleeping or not home. A simple smoke detector that works with our alarm systems can save your property, personal belongings, and most importantly, Lives!
Get Smart has affordable camera systems that let you keep an eye on your home when your away. Its a fact, most homes with a professional installed camera system will deter most intruders!
Get Smart Security, with over Thirty years of industry experience can help with protecting your family, possessions, and business! We work with each client individually to build a protection plan tailored to your specific needs, and are fully licensed and insured.
7” HD Touchscreen alarm panel – user friendly alarm system that can be mounted on your wall or placed on a table. You can watch who’s at your door by adding a simple doorbell camera or watch any of the cameras that you may want to install around your home.
Built in 5MP Camera- snaps a picture of who disarms the panel and automatically notifies you with a text! records video if the alarm is triggered
Built in Glass detector- detects the audible sounds of glass breakage and will immediately trigger an armed alarm system
Bluetooth disarming- automatically disarms the system when your phone leaves the home “touchless disarming”
Z-WAVE- Home automation made easy. Control devices such as thermostats, lights, garage doors, locks, and more.
Whether alerts- 4-day whether forecast with severe whether alerts
7″ touchscreen
Fact: There are over 750,000 registered sex offenders in the United States
Fact: There are nearly 400,000 involving sex crimes against children
Fact: 1 out of 10 child molesters are Registered Sex Offenders
Fact: The other 90% havn’t been caught …..Yet!
Fact: Get Smart Burglar and camera systems will protect your family
Fact:In 2018, there were an estimated 1,230,149 burglaries
Fact: 3,370 Home Burglaries are committed every day
Fact: 2.35 Home Burglaries are committed every second
Fact: Having a smart security system will reduce your chances
Fact: Having a smart security system will reduce your home owners insurance
Fact: 357,000 Home fires occurred in 2017
Fact: 2,630 Deaths related to Home fires, 2017
Fact: 10,600 Injuries related to Home fires, 2017
Fact: 7.7Billion dollars to property damage, 2017
Fact: Having a monitored smoke detector saves lives and property!
“The service man had excellent customer skills. He answered all my questions and made the installation experience very comfortable. Great Installation!”
“I am very proud of the system. It’s my first time in a city and I have no family here so I wondered if I would feel safe at home alone. The alarm system makes me sleep better & more comfortably. So I thank you very much.”
“Both technician and helper were very caring and helpful. With such great employees, we are very confident in your company.”
Get Smart Security
Phone: 1-866-SMART-11